© 1995-2018 by Zack Smith. All rights reserved.
This is a plot summary of Shakespeare's Hamlet that I created some years ago. Rather than keep it to myself, I've put it on the Web so that students and experts can make use of it.
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- I.1
- Guards see the ghost of former King.
- Audience sees evidence that something is wrong.
- Guards see the ghost of former King.
- I.2
- King+Queen let Laertes go to France and counsel Hamlet to get over his fathers death and to not return to school.
- King tells H that he is next in line to the throne.
- H is troubled by how quick K+Q married after his fathers funeral.
- Guards arrive to tell H about the ghost. H agrees to watch for ghost w/them later.
- Outcomes:
- Killer whose guilt is not known tries to get concerned party to get over it.
- Concerned party of a killing enters path of discovery.
- Audience learns of character's departure.
- I.3
- Laertes counsels his sister Ophelia to differentiate between desire and love in her dealings with Hamlet.
- Polonius instructs O to set her prices higher from now on when dealing with Hamlet because his promises and affections are most likely used only to get sex.
- He tells her she should look for more of a committment.
- Outcomes:
- Audience learns of 2 important relationships.
- I.4
- Hamlet and guards wait for the ghost.
- It appears and gestures for H to follow.
- Guards warn H that the ghost might be a demon in disguise but H follows anyway. H threatens guards not to follow.
- Outcomes:
- Concerned party of a killing continues path of discovery.
- I.5 Ghost encounter continued:
- Hamlet demands that the ghost stop and speak. It does. It identifies itself as his father.
- It describes his own murder and his predicament in the afterlife. It tells H that H must kill K in order to right the situation. It asks H to swear that he will do it.
- Guards enter as the ghost disappears; they seek info but H will not tell and H makes them swear their silence on the matter. The ghost then bellows out
a few times but it is not apparent that guards hear this. But they do swear. - Outcomes:
- Concerned party of a killing finishes path to discovery of who is murderer.
- Concerned party of a killing swears to get revenge for the dead.
- II.1
- Polonius sends someone to give funds to Laertes as well as to both find out w/whom he is hanging out in France and to spread a few minor rumors about L so as to drive him away from there.
- Ophelia reports that H came to her pale and severely disturbed and that H then departed from her.
- P incorrectly infers that this event was cause by Ophelia having played hard to get and tells O of this theory.
- Outcomes:
- Audience (& character) see evidence that Concerned Party has begun on the path to revenge. To character it is mysterious.
- Audience learns of character's return.
- II.2
- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern arrive are greeted by K+Q amicably and are asked to stay in Elsinore awhile.
- P arrives and offers his theory of the strange behavior of Hamlet.
- Ambassadors arrives and K allows them to interrupt P and tell K about the Norwegians and Fortinbras. P reads aloud a letter from H to O.
- P then explains the series of events leading to Ophelias recent experience w/H.
- P proposes that K+Polonius secretly observe a forced encounter between O and H wherein Hamlets love for O will be tested.
- H enters.
- P tries to talk with him but H mocks him.
- R+G arrive and try to cheer up H.
- Skeptical H immediately asks why they are here and who sent for them; they admit it was King and Queens doing.
- Then when H is about to get angry R+G announce the arrival of players (P arrives also) who then put on a piece.
- H asks the players if they will put on a play of his own design tomorrow night; they accept the assignment.
- H who is troubled by his own inaction and overpensiveness decides he will use the play to confirm Kings guilt.
- Outcomes:
- Audience learns of a desire to ascertain H's desire for O, which is also a step in K's process of removing/killing H.
- Audience learns of H's desire to ascertain K's guilt. Thus Concerned Party enters the path of confirmation of guilt via his plan to trick K.
- III.1
- K interrogates R+G to find out what is causing Hamlets
. - H laments.
- K+P watch as H rejects poor Ophelia.
- P suggests to K that he let Queen try to sway Hamlet and that if that does not work then that K should send H to England.
- Outcomes:
- K pretends to be innocent and unknowing.
- Concerned Party rejects vulnerable loved-one to protect her.
- K makes another step in the process of removing/killing H.
- K interrogates R+G to find out what is causing Hamlets
- III.2
- H instructs players on how to act.
- H tells R+G to help the players.
- H tells Horatio to watch Kings face during the play.
- H talks a bit w/Ophelia before the play; venting his anger by jesting with her.
- Play occurs: Brother of a king kills the king and takes queen as wife.
- Ophelia asks what it is about.
- Play continues; ends.
- King et al want an explanation; H says it is about events in Vienna.
- K suddenly needs light and air: as if going into shock.
- K exits. P+Q+R+G follow.
- R+G come back; they tell H that K is very angry and that Queen wants to speak with Hamlet.
- H who is tired of R+G demands to know why they seem to think they can manipulate him.
- H threatens them in soft cryptic terms.
- P arrives and asks H to go speak with Q; H agrees to.
- Outcomes:
- K continues to pretend to be innocent, which in the face of a public accusation requires an engry reaction.
- Concerned Party and friend Horatio see proof the Kings guilt. Thus Concerned Party finishes the path of confirmation of guilt via his plan to trick K.
- III.3
- King tells R+G that he will have them take H to England. R+G agree that H is a source of trouble and thereby accept the assignment.
- P tells K that H will go to see Q.
- K starts praying.
- H enters.
- H sees K praying but decides that he will not kill K now as H thinks/fears that to kill him while he is praying will send King to heaven.
- H also feels that to kill K now would not be a sufficiently losing revenge.
- So Hamlet leaves.
- K gives up praying. He admits it was insincere.
- Outcomes:
- Audience learns that K only fakes piousness.
- Audience learns that K will kill again to protect himself from Concerned Party of the killing. Therefore audience deduces K is evil.
- III.4
- H goes to speak with Queen and right away expresses his anger.
- This causes P (who is hiding) to say something.
- H hears P and stabs the spying P.
- P who falls and H+Q see him.
- H then makes a long and confusing speech to Q.
- Ghost appears and counsels H. Q does not see the ghost and thinks H mad.
- H orders Q to keep away from K tonight as if H planned on slaying K in bed.
- H tells Q he agrees to go to England.
- H drags body of Polonius away.
- Outcomes:
- Audience observes the destructive influence of the situation on H, who is weak but bold. He has become paranoid and reckless. This is a step in K's expulsion of H.
- Tragedy and downfall for Concerned Party H.
- IV.1
- K inquires as to why Q seems upset.
- Q tells K that H killed P.
- K reflects that H should have been more strongly controlled.
- K announces a promise that H will soon be sent away.
- K gets the idea of spreading the word about Hamlets act of killing. Here K begins his use of Hamlets mistake in the effort to get rid of H.)
- Outcomes:
- K reaps an unexpected benefit in his effort to expel H. to Hamlets Concerned Party i.e. Q.
- K makes another step in expelling H, namely announcing the plan to Hamlets Concerned Party i.e. Q.
- IV.2
- H hides body of Polonius.
- R+G come to get H and body.
- H insults them and refuses to give the body. But H goes with them.
- Outcomes:
- K makes another step in expelling H, namely the formal summoning of H to tell him.
- IV.3
- K reflects to himself that H is well loved by the people because of his looks but that Hamlets crime of killing P must be punished. His own crime somehow does not occur to him presently.
- R+G arrive with H and report that H did not tell them where the body is. H confirms it.
- K orders H to go to England.
- H does not put up a fuss.
- K tells R+G to make sure that H gets on the boat.
- Outcomes:
- The audience is given confirmation of K's true intent, to kill H.
- K makes another step in expelling H, namely the formal order to leave.
- IV.4
- Fortinbras arrives seeking to cross Denmark.
- Hamlet asks one of the men with Fortinbras who he is. He is his captain.
- Hamlet reflects on the beastliness of human existence or the beastliness in his life anyway.
- IV.5
- Horatio brings Ophelia but Queen does not want to see her.
- Horatio shows her in anyway; O is speaking and singing
as ifmad
. - K arrives and O sings/speaks much more nonsense to K/Q/Horatio.
- O leaves and K orders Horatio to follow.
- K conveniently reflects to O that H is evil and that all is unwell because of him.
- Laertes arrives with a mob that is chanting
Laertes the King
. L wants blood. - K+Q stop Laertes. They deny any guilt yet probe to uncover his intentions.
- O comes along singing.
- L agrees to ally himself with K and pledges to kill H; K+L exit.
- Outcomes:
- L is Concerned Party of P's death, and begins the process of getting revenge on H.
- Audience observes the tragedy of the K-H conflict.
- K sabotages H-O relationship, taking advantage of O's sickness.
- IV.6
- Horatio (who is without O) receives a letter via sailors from H.
- In the letter Hamlet asks Horatio to send the other letters.
- Outcomes:
- Audience learns that H is alive, and that H trusts Horatio.
- IV.7
- K+L are talking-- L wants to know why K did not act against H.
- After all Hamlet did murder Polonius.
- K explains that the love of the Queen and the people for Hamlet prevented that.
- Thus:
- L continues in his revenge, here sizing up who is responsible. Thus this is a step toward discovery.
- Messenger brings letters from H -- one for K and one for Q.
- K reads his. It simply says that H will return. (Q exits.)
- K+L agree to kill Hamlet when he returns; L volunteers to be the primary killer.
- Thus:
- K continues in his attack on H, finding someone else to kill H.
- L continues in his revenge, here confirming he will kill the killer.
- K reports that he heard a Norman praised Laertes use of the rapier; this pleases and emboldens L.
- K asks L if he loved P since if so he asks what would Laertes do for revenge?
- L says he will kill the killer.
- K invents a plan: L+H will be brought together to fight.
- L offers to dip is blade in poison.
- K presents specific plan to for L to kill H.
- K offers to poison Hamlets drink so that when H gets tired and thirsty he will drink poison.
- Q arrives and announces that O has drowned.
- L is shocked.
- Q explains that O fell in a pond after her flowers fell in but she let herself sink.
- L puts off being sorrowful since he wants to focus on revenge; he exits.
- K announces to Q that Ophelias death puts his self-control in jeopardy.
- They follow L.
- Outcomes:
- K uses O's death as a means of justifying future rash actions.
- V.1
- Two gravediggers joke around the new grave that will be for Ophelia.
- One looses a bet and leaves to buy liquor.
- Hamlet and Horatio arrive; they do not introduce themselves but joke with the diggers:
- They asks whose grave is this but are told of the former occupant: the old court jester that H knew.
- H laments the passing of the jester.
- A funeral procession (L+K+Q+priest) approaches therefore Hamlet and Horatio hide.
- Laertes is disappointed w/the priests speech.
- He jumps into Ophelias grave and makes his own.
- H is devastated by death of Ophelia. Feeling strangely forgotten and upstaged H jumps in after L and makes his own speech while L tries to grab aggressively at him.
- Everyone is yelling; H who is angered by the aggressiveness of L pledges to fight him.
- V.2
- Hamlet revels in the fighting and grand changes to come.
- Hamlet tells Horatio of the letter ordering Hamlets death and gives it to him.
- H explains that he had a royal seal w/him so he used it to forge a new writ.
- When the pirates attacked the ship H left the forged writ in the originals place.
- Horatio balks; but H explains that K killed Hamlets father; K whored his mother; etc.
- H says he regrets killing P.
- Osric -- a favored land-owner -- relays a msg from K to H: that K has placed a wager on H. Osric praises L in an effort to warn H of Laertes fighting skills. Finally Osric just says it plainly: L is skilled.
- H asks what weapons L is good at.
- Osric tells him and tells what L stands to gain if H loses; and what L must do (a few hits here or there) if he will be considered successful. H must accept and does. Osric goes to relay the msg to K.
- A lord comes to find out how much longer H will be since everyone is assembling; the lord tells H that Q suggests H be friendly to L before they fight.
- Horatio tells H that he thinks H will lose; Hamlet who is suspecting nothing says he thinks this will be a minor fight and that since H has been practicing he may even win.
- K/Q/L and everyone else (lords etc.) arrive.
- Hamlet announces that he is innocent of killing Polonius since it was his madness that did it. L says he is satisfied with the use of the fight to solve the situation.
- H+L take their foils but L complains that his is too heavy and take a different one.
- K says he will drink to Hamlet and is given two prepared cups.
- H+L fight; H makes a hit on L; K drinks to H. Queen drinks despite K telling her not to. K knows the drink is poisoned.
- H+L continue; each is wounded.
- Queen now looks ill. K makes an excuse for it but Q says she has been poisoned.
- H hears this and has the doors locked.
- L admits that H has been poisoned too.
- Hamlet kills King.
- L asks H for forgiveness and then dies.
- H laments and reflects upon his own imminent death and asks Horatio to tell the story of all of this well; H hears the sound of someone arriving and then dies.
- The Norwegian Fortinbras arrives with English ambassadors; Horatio prepares to tell them what has happened.